Making Appropriate Parenting Arrangements in Family Violence Cases

Surrey Women’s Centre presents a Zoom training session with Dr. Peter Jaffe, Canada’s prominent voice on family violence and trauma.
Making Appropriate Parenting Arrangements in Family Violence Cases: Understanding the Impact of Violence on Victims and Children
Family violence and coercive control are increasingly recognized in legislation and professional practice as critical factors in determining children’s best interests in making post-separation parenting arrangements.
Professional practices have changed to better recognize and respond to the impact of trauma on survivors of family violence and their children. Attention must be given to the best parenting arrangements to ensure safety for the child and the abused victims, where family violence has been identified. Collaboration across agencies and systems to support victims is critical.
This workshop will outline current research to help local community services to work together, promoting safety in family violence cases.
About the Presenter
Dr. Peter Jaffe is a psychologist, Professor Emeritus, and a founding Director of the Centre for Research and Education on Violence Against Women and Children at Western University in London, Ontario. He has co-authored eleven books and more than 80 articles related to domestic violence, the impact of domestic violence on children and other topics. For over 30 years he has presented workshops to professional and educational groups across the United States, Canada, Europe and other countries. He is on the faculty for the National Council of Juvenile & Family Court Judges in the US, and also a founding member of Ontario’s Chief Coroner’s Domestic Violence Death Review Committee. He developed violence prevention programs for schools and helped create The Fourth R: Skills for Youth Relationships now used in over 5,000 schools.
Registration Fee: $100 per person
Registration Contact: (Eileen)
A Zoom link will be sent to all registered participants, upon completion of registration.