Launched Sexual Assault Response Team (SART), 24/7 hospital accompaniment for survivors of sexualized violence during the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in partnership with Surrey Memorial Hospital, Fraser Health and VictimLINK BC.
Launched Surrey Mobile Assault Response Team (SMART).
Launched the Fraser Regional Sexual Assault Protocol that coordinates services for survivors of sexualized violence among 13 hospitals and 9 victim service programs in the Fraser Health region From Surrey to Boston Bar.
Partnered with Forensic Nursing Services at Surrey Memorial Hospital to create a human trafficking tool kit to help emergency department personnel recognize and respond to signs of trafficking in hospitals in the Fraser Health region.
Partnered with Surrey Memorial Hospital, Fraser Health to launch the Embrace Clinic, a low barrier medical clinic for survivors of gender-based violence.
Launched partnership with Surrey RCMP’s Domestic Violence Unit; co-located Surrey Women’s Centre support workers with Surrey RCMP to responds to high-risk cases of domestic violence.
Launched Surrey Mobile Assault Response Team (SMART) Van, an emergency outreach van for survivors who identify as street-level sex workers.
Launched partnership with Surrey RCMP’s Special Victims Unit; co-located Surrey Women’s Centre support workers with Surrey RCMP to responds to high-risk cases of sexual violence.
This timeline was adapted and updated from the Violence Against Women In Relationships: Victim Service Worker Handbook.

The Power of Collaboration
We are celebrating National Victims and Survivors of Crime Awareness Week by standing with Jesse and Gagan as they fight for justice, freedom, and equality.

Over the years, the committee has sparked many other initiatives that create a safety net for women and children fleeing violence.

Every woman we meet faces a personal journey that is unique and challenging in its own way. Find out more about how to get the help you need.