What is gender based violence?
Gender-based violence is defined as violence that is directed against a person on the basis of their gender or sex, including acts that inflict physical, mental or sexual harm or suffering, threats of such acts, coercion and other deprivations of liberty. It includes physical, sexual and psychological.

What is the difference between gender and sex
The term sex refers to a biological state, while ‘gender’ refers to a sense of identity. Traditional definitions of gender have been binary – male or female. This excludes many individuals whose gender identity does not fall within the binary confines. Our goal is to help open up our communities to embrace and welcome individuals as they see themselves, rather than limiting them to our binary constructs.

The Roots of Gender Based Violence
Power is at the root of gender-based violence. Inequality between genders creates unbalanced power dynamics. The history of devaluing women and femininity, while valuing men and masculinity, has created an imbalance of power. Violence, whether verbal, emotional, spiritual, economical, sexual or physical, is often used to maintain this imbalance of power.

Deconstructing The Language of Violence
The link between gender and violence is complex. The evidence suggests that language shapes cultural attitudes that reinforce the status-quo and increase the gender gap. Surrey Women’s Centre promotes the deconstruction of inherently discriminating beliefs that widen the gender gap and the inequities that have been normalized.

Why is this important?
Gender-based violence is a grave human rights violation that can cause long-term and life-threatening injury and trauma to victims/survivors. All human rights and humanitarian actors must ensure that efforts are made from the onset of an emergency to prevent and respond to acts of gender-based violence and provide adequate care, treatment and support to its victims/survivors.