What we do
If you have experienced a physical or sexual assault by a stranger or someone you know the assault is not your fault! Help is available for you. Your first priority is to find a safe place.
Our Programs
We offer two types of counselling services.
STV Counselling offers 1:1 and group counselling for self-identified adult women who have experienced gender based violence.
STV Counselling offers 1:1 and group counselling for self-identified adult women who have experienced gender based violence.
DCS Counselling is our private counselling program, where our counsellors work from a trauma-informed, harm reduction & anti-oppressive feminist framework.
DCS Counselling is our private counselling program, where our counsellors work from a trauma-informed, harm reduction & anti-oppressive feminist framework.
Hours of operation
Our team is available 24-hours a day, seven (7) days per week, 365 days per year to help you access emergency medical, legal and social services.
How to get a hold of us
Call 604-583-1295 to speak with a support worker if you are considering your options. You do not have to go to the hospital or make a police report to use our services.