S.M.A.R.T Medical Support
What do we do
The SMART Hospital team project provides medical emergency support, trauma Counselling and other important services 24-hours-a-day and 7-days-a-week.
The program also provides access to transportation for women who need to visit the Forensic Nurses Unit, at Fraser Health’s Surrey Memorial Hospital or Abbotsford Community Hospital for immediate medical services. These services will cover the Fraser Health region from Boston Bar to Burnaby.
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Why do we exist
The program is at times a first point of contact, a path to safety and access to a resourceful community to this marginalized segment of our community and it is the manner in which most of these women can be introduced to important services that address their medical, psychological, legal and emotional needs
Who is most affected
The SMART Van project provides outreach and rescue services and support to Surrey’s most vulnerable women and youth. Our highest risk segments are individuals who are trapped in the thralls of sex trade, substance addiction, mental health issues or international young women new to Canada.
Our Impact
On Average, our team reports as many as 30 women each month are accompanied to the hospital for emergency care or forensic medical attention following a sexual assault. That is 1 or more women everyday.
Hours of operation
Our team is available 24-hours a day, seven (7) days per week, 365 days per year to help you access emergency medical, legal and social services.
Contact us
If you have experienced a physical or sexual assault by a stranger or someone you know the assault is not your fault! Help is available for you. Your first priority is to find a safe place. If you fear for your immediate safety please call 9-1-1 immediately. Once you are in a safe place our team is available to help you over the phone and in-person to access:
- the hospital for medical treatment
- the police to report a crime
- a transition house or safe shelter