Legal Advocacy
What we do
We help survivors and their families navigate the legal system as they search for justice and refuge from their assailants. We provide support from the get-go helping our clients understand their options at every stage of their journey.
Criminal Court
Women and girls often have to testify against their loved ones in court.
Our Court Support Team helps survivors understand their legal rights and helps them navigate the criminal justice system step-by-step by providing court orientation and accompaniment to legal proceedings.
We also work closely with police, Crown Counsel and other criminal justice personnel to ensure that survivors have information, resources and support to ease their anxiety while testifying in court.
Our team will also help you apply for the Crime Victim Assistance Program which provides financial assistance and other benefits to victims of crime. Our team may also register survivors with the Victim Safety Unit and the Corrections branch to ensure that she is notified about the release of an offender.
Support is also available for witnesses and other non-offending family members.
Family Court
Women escaping domestic violence often fear losing custody of their children.
Our pro bono family law clinic provides free legal information for women escaping domestic violence who cannot afford a lawyer.
Volunteer lawyers specializing in family law help women understand their legal rights and options and remedies under the Family Relations Act. While our lawyers are not able to accompany survivors to court but can help them prepare for upcoming court dates.
If you are a lawyer specializing in family law, contact us at 604-589-1868 or giving@surreywomenscentre.ca to learn more about volunteer opportunities to support women fleeing domestic violence.
Who is affected
Our services are accessed by anyone who has experienced sexual assault or gender-based violence. Our support services extend to family members and witnesses as long as they are not part of the offending party.