We need YOUR help to raise $50,000 to match the gift made by generous donor, Christine LaLiberte
Help women fleeing domestic violence get free legal advice!
When survivors of domestic violence seek justice through the legal system, they need a lawyer. If women can’t afford a lawyer, they are forced to represent themselves in court with little or no information about their legal rights.
It’s no wonder that women’s attempts to seek justice through the legal system often fail. And women are often re-traumatized in the process.
At Surrey Women’s Centre, we want women escaping domestic violence to get the legal advice they need to assert their rights in court. And that’s why we’re collaborating with RISE Women’s Legal Centre on a new project that will help facilitate access to justice for women and their children in the Fraser region.
The Jane Doe Legal Clinic will offer legal advice that women need to protect themselves and their children. The goal of the clinic is to ensure women and children are safe by increasing their access to justice through legal advice – free of charge.
To make this vision a reality, Christine has already donated $50,000 in support of the Jane Doe Legal Clinic! We need YOUR help to raise another $50,000. If we exceed our goal, Christine will match every additional dollar up to $25,000. Join us to help survivors of domestic violence access justice by making your donation today!
For many women, legal fees are often out of reach.
Due to cuts to legal aid, women in need of protection are forced to go to court alone with little or no information about their legal rights. With your help, the Jane Doe Legal Clinic can help mothers apply for protection orders to keep their children safe. The clinic will also help women – who leave with nothing but the clothes on their back – file for separation and assert their property rights. In Surrey, where almost 40% of the population is South Asian, women and children often face additional barriers navigating a complex legal system.
Join us to help survivors of domestic violence access justice by making your donation today!
Like you, Christine believes survivors of domestic violence deserve to live free from violence. She understands that women need timely legal advice to protect themselves and their children. That is why she wants to do something about it.
“No woman should be a victim of domestic violence, nor should they feel like they must fight it alone. When unsure of legal rights it can keep victims of domestic violence trapped and fearful of reaching out.”
– Christine LaLiberte