Thanks to our donors we have been able to support over 500 families during this time every year. Please give and help us support, save and transform lives.
We are accepting donations from now until:
In Person Drop Offs: Dec 3rd
Mail In Donations: Dec 3rd
Online Donations: Dec 14th
You can give either cash or gift cards. Actual items need to be new and in original packaging.

Help us save, support and transform lives and make this world safer for survivors of Gender-based violence.
Our goal this year is to raise $100,000 by December 31st.
Your support is integral in the fight to curb the devastating impact Gender-based Violence (GBV) has on our communities.
Every year, over 8000+ women, girls and other gender identities including cis, trans and non binary are supported by Surrey Women’s Centre.
Thanks to you, many survivors of gender-based violence and their families are safer, have access to justice and can live a life free from violence.
Thank you for your wonderful support.